Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Love Nuggets

1. "No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God!" -

2. "A whole woman will always attract a whole man. When they touch, they will fuse to create a whole marriage. Ultimately, when the time is right, they will produce whole children." -

3. "You need to learn how to love imperfect people," he says. "Because if you succeed at loving imperfect people, then it becomes plausible that somebody could love imperfect you." -

4. "It takes courage to really love someone. Deciding to love gets harder as you get older. It's more and more difficult to fall in love because your 'faller' gets broken. We've all had relationships that didn't work out for one reason or another. The loss of a relationship can be a traumatic experience and can affect us in our lives for months and sometimes for years. You need to understand what role you played in the relationship's demise, and work to come to peace with your partner's behavior as well as your own. No matter what has happened to you, the only hope of a healthy future relationship is to let go of the past."

5.  "Some parents are not capable of giving an outpouring of love to their children because they have a 'pint-sized capacity' and cannot fill those who have a '10-gallon capacity to love.'"

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