Tuesday 7 February 2017

Pass the test

Good Morning!
If you can pass the test you are going through, you will settle into a stabilized place of perpetual blessing. The enemy knows that God has something in store for you that is beyond what you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20). It is his mission to steal, kill, & destroy so you must understand that the test WILL come, but he will not get the victory over your situation! (Isaiah 54:17) How will you navigate through these tests? Know that God has positioned you for such a time as this. Joseph was tested and endured much, but he remained steadfast because he knew God had a plan for his life. Joseph passed the test and received favor in his life he could have never fathomed (Genesis 50). Change your perspective about what is before you, and allow God to do His perfect work in your life (Philippians 4:7; James 1:2-8). The favor will not come before the test. There is a labor you must endure before you get to a place of rest. Pass the test and reap your reward!(1 Peter 5:10, Galatians 6:9)
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