Wednesday 15 February 2017

Prayer Still Works

Good Morning!

When your support system walks away, what do you do? You PRAY and move forward! (Isaiah 58:11) You have to connect to people who want to see you advance in life. You will experience betrayal and abandonment sometimes from the ones who you hold closest to the heart. Don’t allow the actions of anyone else take you out of your character - Keep your composure. (Romans 14:16). And in those times when you don’t know what to pray or have the words to say, the Holy Spirit will intercede on your behalf (Romans 8:26)! Remember, Jesus was betrayed, so you are certainly not exempt! (Matthew 26:47-49).

Anybody that can walk away from you isn’t tied to your destiny. It is in these seasons that you need to rely on God most, and your direct access to Him is through prayer! (1 Peter 5:7). Prayer Still Works! Don’t give any further attention to those blocking the path you know God has set for you. You have to trust Him when you cant trace Him. (Matthew 6:27) Be encouraged, for God is always with you! (Deuteronomy 31:6) Look to the hills, for that is where your help is - God is waiting to hear from you! (Psalm 121)

Watch the rebroadcast of @MsJoyceLRodgers
#PrayerStillWorks at or in the TDJ Mobile App.

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