Monday 9 January 2017

3 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Jealous Of The Success Of Others

To be truthful, most of us have the tendency to be jealous when we see other people succeeding and we are not. In some cases, the problem is not that we are  not experiencing success but that the other person is probably succeeding more than we are. This occurs especially in the event that the person is someone we don't like or possibly an 'ex'. Here are three reasons why you should not be jealous of the success of others;

1. Everyone has their time: Believe it or not, this is an undisputable truth. We all cannot really succeed at the same time. Just like the entertainment world rolls out new superstars every year, success happens for different people at different times.

2. Their success doesnt prevent yours: The fact that someone is successful doesnt automatically cancel out your own success. You are two different people with two different destinies.

3. Falling into the category of haters: Being hateful when others succeed can make you slide into the abyss of being a 'hater' or a 'sadist', neither of which is good for you.

Learn to be happy for others, so that others will be happy for you. One funny thing about life is that those who make it first, later become spectators for those who make it at a latter time. Refrain from being jealous about the success of others.

In the words of TD JAKES "Bitter people never get better".

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