Sunday 22 January 2017

Positioned To Be A Game Changer

Good morning! God positioned you to change the game. This is the Purpose of favor.

Everything that God does has purpose. His works thru your life is designed to change the game, change the thinking and ultimately change lives. Change is good as it places you one step deeper into favor.
God seeks out those who love Him and love His commands so that He can bless, guide, and protect them. (Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 3:5-6). He's changing the game.

When you are favored with God you know and have the confidence that nothing can happen to you apart from His good purpose (Romans 8:28). Know that you have His ear as you walk through dark valleys (Psalm 34:15) and that your struggle to remain true to Him will not go unrewarded (Matthew 10:42, Revelation 2:10).

As God is positioning you to change the game, He is sending favor your way. He is opening doors that can not be closed. He is elevating you to another level of faith and favor.

Be sure to examine where you are positioned to ensure you are in the lane that God has purposed for you. In that position there is favor that you don't want to miss by being in the wrong lane. God is doing a new thing in you, Trust Him!

He is changing the game while positioning you for favour

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