Friday, 6 January 2017

6 Reasons to Get Out Of Abusive Relationships


I've really wondered why some women decide to remain in abusive relationships and keep quiet. Whatever the reason, I do not believe its an ideal thing to do. Here are five reasons why you should not stay in an abusive relationship:

1. You Could Lose Your Life: This is an unarguable truth. A man who constantly beats you can as well end your life one day.

2. It Could Have A Negative Impact On The Way You Relate With Other Men: As a result of the constant battering at home by your man, you could into slide into the abyss of seeing other men in the same light, which could affect the way you relate with them and consequently hinder you from going into another relationship when the opportunity arises.

3. It Could Have A Negative Psychological Impact On Your Children: Just imagine how your kids will feel seeing their Mom being battered. It could have a damaging effect on their pyschology which could metamorphose into hatred for men.

4. It Could Affect Your Concentration On Your Job: It's almost impossible to leave family problems at the doorstep of your house, before going to work. In other words, family problems tend to occupy our minds so much that it affects our ability to focus at work, which we all know is not good for business, as we may tend to make too mistakes in the process.

5. You Could Carry Out A Drastic Decision That You May Regret For The Rest Of Your Life: Some stories of women who have been battered  end up with the woman killing the man and going to prison, thereby leaving their child(ren) (if any) to go through life without their parents being there for them, the way they should be.

6. You Don't Deserve It: No woman! I repeat No Woman! deserves to be beaten, no matter what she has done. Beating has never and will never be the solution to dealing with a woman's perceived bloopers.

This is a special edition for the women out there who have experienced or are currently in abusive relationships.

Kick against domestic violence and abusive relationships in whatever form they may come because domestic violence is a faux pas.I hope you get out of it ASAP.

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