Friday 20 January 2017

Humility is not Humiliation

Know enough to know you need to know more.

It’s hard to accept failure. Admitting that we’ve fallen short of our goals goes against the stubborn parts of our nature. That is all the more reason why we need to accept the consequences of our failures and learn from them.

There are a great many possibilities that come out of
failure but we tend to only dwell on the negative ones.We know that if we plan to succeed, we must plan to fail.

One lesson we gain from failure is humility.
It is important to know what humility is in order to take full advantage of its message.

Author C.S. Lewis once wrote that, “true humility is not thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less.”

Humility is not humiliation.
Humility is being able to admit that the positions we hold are fallible and being alright with that.
It is where true wisdom can begin because we are freed from the fear of failure and open to possibilities we may never have allowed ourselves to see before.

A person who has taken the lesson of humility to heart is ready to learn, grow, and understand much more than someone who is still beating themselves up over their missteps.

Source: TD JAKES

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