Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The Bitterness Stops Here

Good morning! You can't afford to be bitter! God may use the very people who cursed you, to bless you in the end!

Don't become bitter due to your circumstances. The Bible tells us - "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter roots grow up to cause trouble and defile many." (Hebrews 12:14-15) Work diligently to avoid consuming your thoughts on the negative things that pushed you to a bitter place. The bitter experience will make you better in the end.

Learn how to take the lemons and make lemonade.
God is an Ambidextrous God, he can use his Right or Left Hand to bless you. If you fall deeply in love with God and rest in his arms he will protect you from such things as bitterness. In looking at our text for this sermon, we are in Job. (Job 23:8-10) You know the story of Job, he experienced the most horrendous circumstances, but he did not become bitter and he never ever turned his back on God. That's an admirable relationship that he had with God. His faith never wavered!

The very people who cursed you, will bless you in the end. (Luke 20:43) But even specifically, he says: Sit at my right hand, til I make your enemies your footstool. (Psalms 110:1) He didn't say get angry or become bitter, he said sit at his Right hand. Where are you sitting or resting in today? When you sit at the Right hand of the Father, he will use his Left hand to work things out on your behalf.

He is an#AmbidextrousGod and provides favor in the famine. Of course your haters will not understand it, but they will respect it. As a matter of fact they will become a part of the blessing that God has in store for you. Don't become bitter and miss the blessing, God can use anyone he chooses. Can God trust you to stay the course? Can He trust you in the relationship? Focus on your vision, your relationship with God and stay obedient to the call. Remember consecration, commitment and consistency with God will make the difference in your journey. There is favor in the famine, watch the Rebroadcast of #AmbidextrousGod at or on the TDJakes Mobile App.

Source: TD JAKES Ministries

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