Wednesday 25 January 2017

This is not the end of the road

Good Morning!

- God can take your mistakes and turn them into miracles! You are human, and you are going to make mistakes. Gods purpose will not be abandoned because you are navigating the repercussions of a poor choice. (Jer 29:11). The good news is, that in spite of ourselves, God still uses us - even in our imperfections. What God has ordained shall come to pass! (Phil 1:6). God will use the least of them to accomplish His divine purpose. Moses was a stutterer, but God used him to help His people cross The Red Sea on dry ground (Exodus 14). David was an adulterer & a murderer, and God still used Him in a mighty way! Ultimately, your willingness to receive God’s grace and unmerited favor on your life is all that is needed for miracles to abound - His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9) God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. Even in the mistakes you may have made, God still welcomes you into His marvelous presence with open arms, and will use your gifts for the advancement of His kingdom! (Matthew 11:28). Your mistakes are a set-up for the Double Crossed miracles to happen in your life!

Source: TD JAKES Ministries

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