Tuesday 3 January 2017

3 Reasons Why Introverts Should Date Extroverts

It’s like having a cake with the icing on it. The introvert is the cake, the extrovert is the icing. Here are 3 reasons why introverts should date extroverts

1. BECAUSE THEY CAN LEARN LOADS OF STUFF FROM EACH OTHER: Introverts are energized by spending time with themselves. They prefer one-on-one conversations that are more meaningful and connects with their soul. Extroverts are energized by large crowds and are usually the life of the party. They’re not thinking too much about their words or actions but just go with the flow and enjoy the company of anyone and everyone they meet. They’re spontaneous and fun loving. The introvert can encourage the extrovert to keep his/her energies in balance and to look within, while an extrovert can encourage an introvert to step outside their comfort zone and meet more people. By helping each other step outside their comfort zones in day-to-day life, they can become best friends and grow as individuals and as a couple. It can be a very fulfilling experience!

2. BECAUSE THEIR PERSONALITY COMPLIMENTS EACH OTHER : Introverts derive deep insights from their sharp observation skills. They’re more truthful and can see things as they really are. Extroverts are more conversational and derive their insights from talking to other people. They also feel good when they shout out to the world and showcase their achievements and pump up the things they’re proud of. An introvert can help the extrovert see new possibilities. With their truthful observations, they can open an extrovert’s eyes and mind to things they never saw before. On the other hand, an extrovert can help introverts with making new connections with new people, and also help them showcase some of their achievements. By helping introverts come in the limelight with a friendly and warm approach, extroverts can win the hearts of introverts quite easily.
The key thing to note is a mutual understanding through an honest dialogue between both the introvert and the extrovert. If they are honest with each other and accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses and try to fill the gaps in the relationship, they can be an unstoppable force together. Their needs and expectations are quite different, but if they get one another and remain loyal to each other, they can be a winning couple!

3. THEY BRING EACH OTHER UNEXPECTED EXPERIENCES: It’s true. extroverts are almost always focused on the outside. Their attention is more on what’s visible to their eyes. They love their senses to be fully stimulated by the environment around them, and rarely look within themselves for energy. They live life from the ‘outside in’ which basically means they’ll see what happens around them and pursue what attracts them. Introverts, on the other hand, are ‘internally stimulated’. They like to understand the why behind what they see. They live life from the ‘inside out’ which means they try and manifest in the outside world what they know for themselves to be true from within. Coming together as a couple, if the two agree to complement each other’s strengths, it can make a power combination. The introvert works on the deeper side of their pursuits, while the extrovert works on making it all look good and manages the outside relationships, the socializing, and the surface. Both are important qualities!

Source: greennews.ng

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