Saturday 31 December 2016

10 Sad but True Facts About Porn

1. The porn industry is worth tens of billions of dollars, meaning it is bigger than professional football, basketball and baseball combined.
2. Only 17% of male performers use condoms in straight films — which means practically everyone you’re masturbating to has herpes.
3. People really like aggression in their porn — name calling, spanking, gagging. These things are currently illegal in porn in the UK.
4. Men and women love porn, but men go for images while women prefer erotic stories. But what if you read erotic stories while the porn is on???
5. Oh also? Men are 543% more likely to look at porn than women. Just lol.
6. If you have an undergraduate degree you have probably looked at porn, which reminds me of the one time I saw a guy in the university computer lab downloading porn to his USB drive. Getting that load out is REALLY urgent.
7. Lots and lots people have some type of porn on their smartphones, which I guess can help make a boring commute into the office really stimulating.
8. Lots and lots of people are downloading and watching porn at the office.
9. 50% of all Christian men are addicted to porn. And speaking of porn and church goers, fundamentalists are 91% more likely to look at porn. Are u delivered..
10. Regular porn users may spend between 30 minutes and 3 hours a day watching porn. THREE HOURS.


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