Thursday, 22 December 2016

Start Laughing Now!!!

Studies show that it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and boosts immune functions in the body. It cleanses the lungs and body tissues of accumulated stale air since it empties more air out than it takes in.  In addition to these benefits, laughter triggers the release of endorphins — those “feel good” chemicals in the brain that make you feel joyful and elated — and even helps to relieve pain. Endorphins are the same chemicals released when some people, after an extended period of running, get “runners high”.
We should take advantage of every opportunity to have a good hearty laugh.  Humorous situations surround us each day. We just have to be on the lookout for them. Here are some ways to get more laughter into your life:
- Let people know that you enjoy a good laugh and ask them to share their favorite jokes with you via email, etc.
- Visit joke sites on the Internet.
- Plan to attend a live comedy show with a group.
- Share your embarrassing or humorous moments (let good taste prevail here).
- Laugh at yourself and your shortcomings – especially on the job. Be a good sport.  When others do imitations of you, laugh and pay attention. It can be a real eye opener to some of your eccentric ways.
Don’t allow life’s pressures and negative circumstances to snuff out your sense of humor.
Laughter can take your mind off of what’s stressing you—providing temporary emotional relief. Laughter can improve your social life as well as your marriage or romantic relationship since it makes you more fun to be around; nobody enjoys a sourpuss.
Laugh often and let others find strength in your joy.


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