Thursday 15 December 2016

Watch out for this slow killer foods

The foods mentioned in this article are probably your favorite because they taste great but you should abstain from them if you want to live a long healthy life. Some of the substance use to preserve them or give them a better taste are harmful to the body system.
Chewing Gum
Chewing Gum contain Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) which is very dangerous to our health. Used as a food preservative, BHA is commonly found in chewing gum, butter, cereals, snack foods and beer. Not only has BHA have been shown to impair blood clotting when consumed in high quantities, but it’s also been linked to the promotion of tumor growth. Which led it to be banned from food in the UK, Japan, and many other European countries.
Hot Dogs
There are plenty of good reasons not to eat hot dogs — their high levels of sodium and cancer-causing preservative nitrates. The casing of many hot dogs is colored with a food dye called Orange B. High doses of it are bad for the liver and bile duct.
Microwave Popcorn.
When air-popped, popcorn snack has filling fiber and whole grains we love, but the microwaveable varieties are an entirely different beast. Many major brands like Jolly Time and Jiffy Pop not only contain heart-harming trans fats but also line their bags with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the same toxic stuff found in Teflon pots and pans. Butter-flavored favorites are almost always laced with diacetyl (DA), a chemical that has been found to break down the layer of cells that protects one of our most vital organs: the brain.
Candy contain artificial coloring, added sugar, saturated fats which are very harzadous to our health. A few years ago, researchers discovered that the artificial colors, Yellow No. 5 and Yellow No. 6 (found in Butterfingers and M&Ms), promote Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children. In fact, Norway and Sweden have already banned the use of these artificial colors, and in the rest of the EU, foods containing these additives must be labeled with the phrase: “May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”
Sugary Cereal
Sugary cereals are coated with Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), refined carbs, added sugar
sugar wreaks havoc on the body. Consuming too much of it can lead to obesity, which often causes other health problems like diabetes and heart disease. And many cereals pack more sugar into one bowl than you’ll find in a Boston Kreme Donut! To make matters worse, many popular varieties like Frosted Flakes and Fruity Pebbles are also laced with Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole), ingredients that are banned in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and much of Europe because they are thought to be carcinogenic.
Diet Sodas
What do cancer-causing artificial colors, flame retardants and fat-causing fake sugars all have in common? They’re ingredients in all your favorite diet fizzy drinks. Shove all that into a bottle laced with BPA, a chemical that’s been linked to obesity, and you’ve pretty much got the worst drink ever. Nearly all popular diet sodas contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener that raises glucose levels, overloading the liver and causing the excess to convert into fat.
Coffee Creamer
The additive has been proven to cause liver and tissue damage in mice, and may also have health implications in humans, according to a recent review of the chemical. Coffee creamer is also typically packed with trans fats, often hiding under its lesser-known name: hydrogenated oil. Pretty much all of Coffee Mate’s products have this scary ingredient that has been shown to diminish memory in adults under 45 years old
Processed Meats
Many of the meats used in most fast foods contain nitrates, a preservative that interferes with the body’s natural ability to process sugar, which increases the risk for diabetes. It can also up your odds of developing thyroid and colon cancer. If that wasn’t bad enough, most processed meats are also loaded with sodium, a known contributor to hypertension that can make you bloat and set you up to develop heart disease. Looking for other ways to steer clear of nitrates?
Deep Fried Foods
Fried chicken, fried cheese sticks, fried calamari, French fries cause trouble for your body for a variety of reasons and can wreak havoc on your weight. But there’s more: They’re also linked to depression. Deep frying is usually done in partially hydrogenated oil. Hydrogenation is a process that turns vegetable oil into a more solid form, which makes it a more shelf-stable product. Anything that is cooked with hydrogenated oils and contains trans fats could potentially contribute to depression.
Energy Drinks
Ever wonder why all energy drinks taste like cough syrup? We can only imagine the number of broken Bunsen burners it took to come up with the now-familiar energy drink formula. No doubt this strange medicinal taste makes consumers feel like they’re deriving real benefits from one of these cans. All they’re really deriving, though, is an overpriced chemical cocktail with the caffeine content of a strong cup of coffee and a lot of sugar (or scary artificial sweeteners). P.S. – A University of Maryland study found energy drinks to be 11 percent more corrosive to your teeth than regular soda.
Ice Cream
Most Ice cream contain Soybean oil, titanium dioxide, artificial coloring. They are overloaded with sugar and soybean oil, a fat that’s been linked to weight gain. Some even contain harmful artificial coloring agents and titanium dioxide, an additive that gives sunblock its white hue!
Sports Drinks
The sports drink provides critical post-workout electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, but it also serves up a hearty helping of calories and sugar. In fact, there are 56 grams of the sweet stuff (which is more than a day’s worth) in a 32-ounce bottle. What’s more, the beverage is teeming with stomach-churning additives like wood rosin and artificial dyes that have been linked to cancer and hyperactivity in children.
Oreos are filled with palm oil, a fat that promotes fat-causing inflammation. Oreos have also been shown to be more addictive than both cocaine and morphine, according to a 2013 animal study. To come to this finding, researchers fed rats rice cakes, Oreos or gave them injections of cocaine or morphine and found that the cookies had the greatest effect on the pleasure center of the brain—which likely explains why it’s so hard to eat just one. A second group of researchers found that among all the foods out there, cookies were one of the most difficult to eat in moderation.
Canned Soup
Most brands add monosodium glutamate to cut production cost. Monosodium glutamate is a flavoring agent that increases appetite and causes migraines.

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