Wednesday 28 December 2016

Pushing Past The Pain of Rejection

Good morning! Being favored does not mean that you will not be rejected. Rejection is a significant source of pain and suffering for this world. In fact, rejection created the need for the gospel. Sin entered the world because two people rejected God and his command.
It is a costly experience that causes emotional pain that can lead to anger or self-esteem issues. Even though you have experienced rejection, it does not determine your future. Don't let anger or rage harbor in your heart. (Psalms 4:4) Release yourself from the pain of rejection so that you can soar into the place where God is leading you.
Recall that Joseph was rejected by the ones that should have embraced him. Even Jesus was rejected by his family members. (John 7:5) Don't take rejection personally. The rejection honestly says nothing about you as a person. Getting rejected is a part of life and it is not a personal attack.
It's all is part of the process when you are blessed and highly favored!
Here are some practical things you can do when you experience rejection.
1) Reframe the rejection. It's not about you.
2) Don't allow the rejection to control your future. Move forward.
3) Use the rejection to improve your life. See the brighter side of things.
4) Forgive - Release yourself from the pain and into happiness.
5) Extend Love - Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8)
Remember that your past is not your future. Release your future from your past.
Rejection is a Jump Start to your blessing!

Source: TD JAKES

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