Wednesday 28 December 2016

Food For Thought Series-I

■Complacency is a fear of high achievers, and it should be a fear for everyone. When we are no longer motivated, it’s over.

■Successful companies take ideas and form strategy, take strategy and form structure, and take structure and form action plans.

■Good or bad, the culture of a company is established and maintained by its leadership and manifests itself through its people.

●This is a good day to ask, “Where am I going, why am I going there, when will I get there, and what can I expect when I arrive?

●To tackle a huge undertaking, break it down into smaller segments; reaching each mini- milestone helps to achieve the major goal.

●Care and credibility are critical to all meaningful relationships, and meaningful relationships are key to life and business success.

Source: Bill Boyajian

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