Wednesday, 21 December 2016

5 other ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy without a condom

When it comes to having protected S3@.x:’, the truth is that many people are more concerned about not getting pregnant than S3@.x:’ually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Especially among young people who are not really very conscious of the implications of STDs, the focus is on ensuring that there is not repercussion 9 months after tumbling in bed N@kkd.
While many people have turned to condoms for refuge, it must be noted that there are other ways a S3@.x:’ually active couple – married or single, can prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening as discussed by The Health Site.
Though condoms have been proven to be 98% effective when used correctly, some people find them uncomfortable.

Also, when there is a certainty that there are no STD risk, some people see no reason for a condom and then they use these methods:
1. Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) – these are also called ‘birth control pills’. A woman needs to take these pills regularly to prevent pregnancy. They work in two ways: some prevent the release of an ovum from the ovary while others secrete thick mucus that prevent contact between sperm and egg.
2. Copper T – this is a type of intrauterine contraceptive device that is placed inside the uterus of the woman. The device prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.
3. V@.g!nal bolus – this is a large tablet that you can insert into the V@.g!na about 30 minutes before S3@.x:’. The tablet contains a spermicidal compound that that prevents pregnancy.
4. Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) injection – this is an intramuscular injections that is taken every 3 months to prevent pregnancy.
5. Morning After Pills – this is an emergency contraceptive method that is swallowed orally not more than 72 hours after the unprotected S3@.x:’ happens.

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