Thursday, 29 December 2016

What To Do After A Cesarean Section

Not many expectant mums love to hear the word C-section or are in favour of it. But at times a cesarean section becomes unavoidable, especially, if there is a
health risk to the mother and baby. The same happened to me when my water bag broke before labour pain started (and even after inducing labour, pain stopped mid-way) I was wheeled into the OT for a C-section. I never wanted it but it was for the good of my baby that I accepted the doctor’s suggestion and got operated. However, I realised recovering from a C-section does take time and here are few rules you need to follow to speed up the process:

1. Once your catheter is removed, try to move around as much as you can (take help from the hospital staff if needed). Believe me; this will, in fact, speed up your recovery rather than lying in the hospital bed. However, you won’t be able to move much so do it slowly, you might feel dizzy and light-headed. Here is what you should expect after a C-section.

2. When you are allowed to use the restroom, never ignore nature’s call as that could lead to trauma to your incision. Even if you need to get up from your bed numerous times, do that. It pains to get up and walk, but you have to do it.

3. You might be on IVs for at least two days after your delivery and would not be allowed to eat anything. But when you can, don’t start gorging on spicy gravy and brownies. A C-section often gives your digestive system a jolt; acidity and GERD is the last thing you want to deal with. Stick to the staple dal-chawal .

4. Avoid lifting weights. Apart from lifting your baby, you should never lift anything heavy that can put pressure on your scar. Follow this rule even after two weeks of your discharge, because internal healing takes its own time.

5. Don’t try to start exercising right after your delivery. Wait till your doctor gives you a go-ahead. It isn’t very pleasing to wear the same maternity clothes even after you delivered, but you need to wait till you can fit into your designer jeans again. Abdominal pressure too early can be dangerous and can lead to bleeding. Instead, try walking with your baby in arms or pushing the stroller in the park, which will be enough activity. You can, however, exercise with your baby with these tips.

6. Don’t wear a maternity belt to reduce your belly. Your belly will shrink back to its size on its own. Using a maternity belt can increase your chances of suffering from a hernia later.

7. Take real good care of your incision. Follow all the after-care procedures advised to you by your doctor. Avoid taking a hot water bath or shower until your incision heals completely.

8. Work on a comfortable sleeping position. Even after your stitches are cut and the healing process has started you might not be able to lie on your back as it could pain tremendously. You might still have to sleep sideways.

9. Place your baby’s cot or cradle near to your bed so it is comfortable for you. This will reduce the strain on your incision every time your child wakes up and wails for a feed.

10. Try and avoid constipation. Keep yourself hydrated enough. With the incision still healing putting pressure on your abdomen could be fatal.

11. Don’t avoid breastfeeding just because it gets uncomfortable to sit for too long with your baby. In fact, breastfeeding for many reasons is good for your baby and speeds up your healing process. If you are lactating enough, they don’t avoid a feeding session it could further lead to mastitis, engorgement and other issues.

12. Go slow with sex. Even if your doctor says that you need to take precaution for the first six weeks, it can take you longer to get in the mood and get your strength back. Talk to your partner about it and instead try other ways to build your bond cuddling, talking anything can do the trick.

13. Never ignore symptoms like fever, headache and nausea while your scar is still healing. As it could be a sign of infection.

14. Avoid using painkillers on your own. You might be on a course of painkillers given by your doctor right after your surgery, don’t self-treat yourself with the painkillers once the course is completed. If you are breastfeeding this could be dangerous. Talk to your doctor if the pain persists even after six weeks of recovery.

15. Accept your scar. Your body might never be the same again after the C-section, but love yourself even more and accept your scar. Remember this scar is what made you a mother after all.

Wishing all pregnant women a safe delivery.

Source:The Healthsite

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