Friday, 30 December 2016

Funny Interpretations of Dreams...Enjoy!!!

1. Nudity
Well, everyone at some point or other had this dream. In the nudity dream, which is one of the most common dream symbols, we see ourselves naked and exposed to the outside world. It isn’t as naughty as it sounds. Actually, it symbolizes an urge for recognition. This urge can have both sexual and asexual meanings.

2. Sex
Sex is the most talked about dream symbol. Having sex in a dream is just awesome and for ‘Forever alone’ guys, it is their only chance for some action. Well, sex in a dream can symbolize a literal desire for sex. But it can also mean a unification of our unconsciousness desires with conscious reality. It does sound a little complex but its not. Having sex in a dream primarily symbolizes a stage where you see a personal growth in yourself.

3. Falling
One of most popular dream symbol, Falling symbolizes our anxieties and an urge to set free – maybe we are clinging too tightly to a situation and its time to let it go. It also means that we need to put more trust in others.

4.  Exams
Another common dream, exams in a dream symbolize self-evaluation,reflecting our life under introspection.

5.  Missing a Flight
It can also take other forms like missing a bus or missing a train. When you have such kinds of dreams, please note that you are frustrated over missing important stuff in life. It is just the visual representation of that outpour.

6. Being Physically Trapped
It is also a common dream symbol which reflects our real life inability to make the right choices. It can also mean that we are trying to escape a certain situation

7.  Finding an Empty room
If you see yourself in an empty large room, it can symbolize the fact that you are discovering something new about yourself. It means that some talent which was hidden within is finally coming out.

8. Unable to find Toilet
This is a funny one. It either means that the ‘sleeping you’ has to actually Pee in real life or you are finding it challenging to express your own needs in life. The toilet here is a visual representation of a  place where our needs are expressed (or we can say, released).

9. Teeth falling out
Wel, this one is bad. If you see your Teeth falling out in a dream, it means that you are losing self-confidence. Your teeth is a symbol of your power and confidence which unfortunately is deteriorating.

10.  Being Chased
This is again a common dream. It symbolizes a situation in your life which you just don’t know how to confront.

11. Killing
Killing in your dreams doesn’t make you a prospective murderer. It just means that you have a desire to kill a part of your own personality. It can also mean extreme dislikeness towards a certain person.

12. Out of control vehicle
No one is going to arrest you for crashing a car in your dream. Seeing an Out of control vehicle in your dream means that you don’t have enough control on your own path to success. The vehicle which has just gone haywire symbolizes your ability to make progress.


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