Tuesday, 27 December 2016

3 Business Tips That Can Secure Your Relationship

By all accounts, you’re a successful business person. You’ve put a lot of thought and work into moving ahead and now you’re reaping the rewards.
For some people, though, professional success can come at the expense of personal relationships.  But that doesn’t have to happen to you.  In fact, the very same habits that propel you to business success can work wonders in your romantic life.
Employ these 3 workplace habits and to make the most of your date night.
1. Keep Your Appointments
You didn’t become successful by constantly rescheduling your important business meetings. Honor the time you’ve set aside for your significant other in the same way by keeping your appointments.  Your commitment to spend time together will keep your love going no matter how busy your work schedule gets.
2. Have An Agenda
The most productive business meetings operate by an agenda, and the same is true for date night. Have a concrete plan for how you want your date night to proceed. Don’t be afraid to take the lead here, your partner will appreciate your thoughtfulness.  This doesn’t mean tossing spontaneity aside.  Rather, a clear plan for your night out will allow you to be spontaneous without running the risk of missing out on what you’ve already scheduled.
3. Conduct A Post-Op
Post-op meetings are important after any project is completed. They give your team the chance to identify what did and didn’t work well.  Your date nights should be approached the same way. What was the highlight of the date? What should we try again and what do we want to reconsider? Conducting a post-op demonstrates you're committed to improving the quality of your relationship, even if it means admitting some mistakes were made.
Increase your measure of happiness by translating your successful business habits into your personal life and watch your partner love you more for it.

Source: TD JAKES

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