Friday 16 December 2016

Medication or Solution : Rebound Relationships

Heartbreak can be a very discomforting situation. It can cause not just emotional but also physical breakdown. Thus, there exists a tendency for most of us to use any means to heal our pain as fast as possible. In doing this, we tend to take certain wrong decisions which cause more damage than good to our emotions. One of this wrong decisions is  dating another person immediately as a 'rebound stimulant'. This is so wrong because the foundation of every relationship should be LOVE and 70% of the people who fall into this trap do not really love their partner, break up early and come out of this 'rebound relationship' probably worse than they were previously.

One important thing we must know is that 'rebound relationships' are rarely the solution to emotional difficulty. They can act as medication but they most times,  do not meet our innermost needs on the long run.. So you may ask what now is the solution for a rebound after a broken relationship. Well there is no perfect solution in truth but one thing is certain, you need to take out time to know yourself, understand the kind of things you can cope with and what kind of person you would like to be with. Against this backdrop, you need to be careful in choosing the right person because the magic is not in dating someone, the magic is in dating the right person. CHOOSE WISELY

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