Friday 16 December 2016

Woman Tracks Down Stranger With Purple Hair Who Hugged Her at Her Lowest Moment

The kindness of a stranger with purple hair was what got Angel Mott through one of the most difficult moments of her life — when she received a call, in the midst of Black Friday holiday shopping, informing her that her mother had died.
Mott, who was standing in a crowded Mills Fleet Farm store in Des Moines, Iowa, was overcome with grief. “I just kind of blacked out,” Mott told the Des Moines Register, “and I just started crying uncontrollably. And I sat down on the shelves probably for about five minutes and just bawled.”
A stream of strangers passed her by — except for one guardian angel, who stopped and asked the 31-year-old what was wrong, and, upon hearing the news, sat down and embraced her, staying with her long enough to shepherd her through the checkout line.
Mott, who was too stunned to even ask the stranger her name, drove off to the hospice residence where her late mother, Rose Danylchuck, 57, had been struggling with fallout from a blood clot in her head, which had caused debilitating strokes.
It was not long after that Mott thought of the stranger and wanted to thank her — but the only detail she could remember was that the woman had purple hair. So she turned — where else? — to Facebook, specifically the I Grew Up in Iowa! page, and posted a request for help on Nov. 29 , explaining how she had received the call in the store and sat down to weep.
“Some nice lady with black hair (I think) and purple highlights sat down with me and hugged me for about five minutes. She cried with me,” she wrote. “I would just like to thank her very much. Not one person stopped to see if I was OK. But her and her sister did and I appreciate that more than they’ll ever know! My mom was my best friend. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest.”

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