Sunday 18 December 2016

Parenting Advice

Being​ a​ parent​ is​ one​ of​ the​ most​ rewarding​ things​
you​ can​ experience.​ However,​ that satisfaction​ will​ be​
tested​ continuously​ as​ your​ child​ grows.
And​ they​ are​ going​ to​ grow​ up,​ whether​ you​ are​
ready​ for​ them​ to​ or​ not.
You​ may​ not​ have​ a​ say​ in​ them​ aging,​ but​ you​ do​
have​ control​ over​ how​ you​ handle​ it.​ Your ultimate​
goal​ as​ a​ parent​ should​ be​ to​ ​​raise​ independent​
children​ and​ to​ do​ so​ you​ can​ choose to​ adopt​
behaviors​ that​ will​ allow​ your​ child​ to​ develop​ into​
the​ amazing​ person​ you​ know​ they are.
1. Don’t​ dismiss​ their​ feelings.
(Photo: Sometimes they just need you to listen.)
It’s​ important​ to​ remember​ that​ what​ your​ child​ is​
going​ through​ now,​ they​ are experiencing​ it​ for​ the​
first​ time.​ It​ might​ seem​ like​ a​ small​ matter​ to​ you,​
having been​ there​ and​ done​ it​ before,​ but​ it​ is​ a​ big​
deal​ to​ your​ child.​ Allow​ them​ to​ feel the​ way​ they​ are​
feeling.​ Don’t​ dismiss​ their​ emotions​ but​ show​
understanding instead.​ Share​ similar​ stories​ from​ your​
past​ with​ them​ to​ help​ validate​ their experiences.​ As​
much​ as​ you’ll​ want​ to,​ they​ are​ not​ asking​ you​ to​
solve​ their problems.​ Just​ be​ there​ for​ them.
2. Treat​ them​ like​ adults.
(Photo: They can handle it. )
One​ mistake​ most​ parents​ make​ is​ not​ adjusting​ how​
they​ treat​ their​ children​ to reflect​ that​ they​ are​ no
longer​ adolescents.​ As​ they​ grow,​ they​ should​ be​
handed some​ of​ the​ responsibility​ and​ respect​ that​
adults​ command.​ Assign​ them​ a few​ tasks​ that​ they​
are​ accountable​ for​ and​ let​ them​ have​ ownership​ of​
them. Grant​ them​ conditional​ freedoms​ and​ reward​
them​ with​ more​ flexibility​ when​ they prove​
themselves​ to​ be​ responsible​ young​ people.
3. Give​ them​ the​ right​ information.
(Photo: What do you wish you were taught?)
A​ very​ real​ concern​ with​ letting​ your​ child​ go​ is​ that​
they​ will​ fall​ victim​ to​ the wrong​ kind​ of​ influences.​
While​ you​ can’t​ be​ there​ to​ defend​ them​ every​
moment of​ their​ lives,​ you​ can​ arm​ them​ with​ a​
powerful​ tool:​ the​ right​ information.​ Pass on​ a​ strong​
sense​ of​ morality​ and​ be​ truthful​ with​ them​ about​ the​
dangers​ out​ in the​ world.​ Tell​ about​ the​ different​
scenarios​ they​ might​ face​ (from​ peer​ pressure to​ their​
emerging​ individuality).​ Teach​ them​ things​ you​ wish​
you​ were​ taught​ as​ a young​ person.​ Most​ importantly,​
make​ sure​ they​ know​ they​ are​ loved unconditionally.
Though​ it’s​ hard​ to​ let​ go,​ you​ have​ to​ have​ faith​ that​
you​ have​ done​ your​ best​ to​ raise your​ child.​ You​ can’t​
keep​ them​ from​ growing​ up,​ you​ can​ nurture​ the​
incredible​ person​ they become.

Source: TD JAKES

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