Tuesday, 6 December 2016


I looked up the meaning of the word 'age' in the dictionary and I found out that it has about 12 meanings, two of which struck me, namely; a long time and a particular period of time in history .
Now I know that the regular meaning of the word 'message' is 'an underlying theme'  but I decided to rip apart the word and I found a whole new meaning.
As a result of the unpredictable nature of life, some of us have found ourselves in a 'mess' for a very long time. Now, everyone has surely been in a mess one time or the other. A mess could come in different forms like lack of money, lack of good health, a failing relationship etc. Unfortunately, this mess may have lingered longer than expected in the life of some folks. In other words, the mess has aged. Albeit, for every thing we go through, there' s always someting to learn.  It's never easy to go through life's challenges and still keep a positive mind while in the process but it's a necessary step if we are to succeed. There's a message in every mess that ages ( stays for a long time). LIFE is a fight but we have to keep learning, even when pain is the teacher.


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